Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Where Does Ice Hockey Fit In All Of This?

   For those of you who may not know much about Ice Hockey except perhaps that it is a Hockey played on Ice – assuming you know what hockey and ice is:

The National Hockey League (NHL) is where all the top professional men and women ice hockey players play or want to play their ice hockey in North America and is one of the four major sports leagues in the United States. In fact the beginnings of the NBA leagues can be traced back to owners of the biggest and most well-known ice hockey arenas in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States and Canada in the 40s.

It is a team sport played on skates. Players use sticks to hit a puck into the opponents net which of course is a goal.

A puck is a disc which serves the same purpose as a ball in other games. It is better suited on ice because it slides and is not built to bounce, which would damage the ice.

Ice Hockey was invented by Scottish settlers in Nova Scotia who played a similar game known as shinty on ice back in the United Kingdom. It is a fast-paced physical team sport and is generally played in countries with sufficient cold weather and strong, reliable seasonal ice cover.

Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Latvia, Russia, Scandinavia, Slovakia, Switzerland and the northern parts of the United States of America, is the where the sports is most popular.

With the development of artificial in-door ice rinks, the sports has also increasingly become a year-round pastime in these countries as well as in one or two other places in warmer climates. There is even an ice-skating ring in the tropics and on the Equator. The one in the Ivory Coast, in Hotel Ivoire in Abidjan is not used for Ice Hockey, but there is a small group of enthusiast lobbying for a team. For NHL betting information, look up ice hockey betting or hockey bet on the internet. You do not have to live in the States to enjoy the thrill.

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